Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Scheduling an Eviction

The actual act of scheduling surgery was as simple as an e-mail.  The mental anguish surrounding this simple act is the complicated part.

I walked into my appointment with Dr. M knowing he already recommended active treatment of some sort back in July when I did my 6 month MRI/audiogram.  I was leaning toward surgery and mentally planning to do it in the spring of the next year (2013). After Dr. M confirmed he recommended surgery for me, I still was not prepared to just say, "Yes, let's do it."

As for all of my other doctors appointments, my parents were watching my kids.  This particular one they took advantage of it being on a Friday to keep the kids overnight for a sleepover.  This left Greg and I to spend the night in the City.  I am fairly certain my mom kept the kids overnight partly because she knew I would have a lot of my mind and Greg and I would need to have some time to just be together and work through this.   

We left the appointment and headed to our hotel.  Of course we talked and this brought up so many more questions that I should have asked in my appointment.  I took notes and knew I could e-mail them to Miss A, the practice coordinator extraordinaire, and she would get back to me with answers.

Miss A e-mailed me promptly on Monday morning, before I could compose my e-mail to her with my questions.  She indicated when I make my decision to contact her via e-mail or to call her.  She is just amazing!  I sent my questions back to her and we sent a few e-mails back and forth.  

I still did not finally decide to send the e-mail that I wanted to schedule my surgery until Monday December 10th.  Yup, I waited another week to send that e-mail. Getting answers to my questions was one stall tactic.  I also had to figure out when to schedule it.  

I personally have never really had major surgery.  I had my wisdom teeth pulled; that was so long ago I hardly can remember that one.  I have had two kids, so I know what it is like to be in a hospital.  While I was certain I would probably not be driving myself to the hospital for surgery, I was not sure what role Greg wanted to play in all of this.  He is the dad, so of course he was right there for the birth of both our kids.  But this is so different to me, I figured he would be managing the kids.  I was wrong.  He plans to be with me as much and as long as possible. 

Everything these days is for the kids.  Our lives revolve completely around taking care of them.  Other things interject themselves, but in general I am pretty much about making sure my kids are happy and healthy and that I am doing what I am capable of doing to advance their lives.  It seems completely ridiculous that I have to step back and remember, Greg chose me to marry 9 years ago.  He loves me and I am important to him and he will be right there with me as I go through all of this.  Yes, he will be driving me to the hospital and staying there in the waiting room while I sleep through 6 - 8 hours of surgery.  

So, that meant my mom and dad will have to take care of the kids while I am going through this.  We decided it would be easiest on them do this when they are out of school, so either over Winter break ("ski week"), or Spring Break.  

Spring Break won out; my surgery is schedule for Wednesday April 17, 2013 at UCSF with Dr. M and Dr. L.  Wish me luck.

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