Tuesday, April 17, 2018

R.I.P Arnold

After 5 years of being Arnold free, I feel it is time to put him to rest.  While I will always remember this day, I think I will put this Blog to rest.  I probably will not write to it anytime soon.  Hopefully for many years to come, unless one of Arnold's relatives decides to make an appearance.  I just hope that will be far into the future.
This past year flew by even faster than the last.  Arnold is truly a distant memory.  I lead a very full and blessed life.

People say that I was so strong for what I went through.  People say that my blog has helped and inspired them.  People say my story is so inspirational.  People say that I myself inspire them. It is very humbling to hear these words, for I am just being me; just trying to survive.  It truly is an amazing feeling to know, just by being me I have helped someone.  Just doing what I feel is right and what I want to do has inspired someone.  
When I look around at the people in my life: my family and my friends, I find a plethora of inspiration.  None of my journey has been alone.  I have filled my life with amazing people that have inspired me to be the person I am.  
I know if you step back and look at the people in your life right now, there is at least someone that has inspired you to do better, to try something new, to change your perspective or to persist in something you love.  Be sure to let that person know what they have done for you.

Happy Arnold Day.

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